
Skiing’s third season is upon us; Summer. Until today I hadn’t yet had a chance to sample this year’s corn harvest. I’ve been angsting to do some Summer skiing. I missed out on Summer skiing last year (I was is Alaska) and it’s tough to be sure when I’ll be in Colorado for Summer again.

Unfortunately, I’m in the midst of eleven straight days of work.

I pulled out my trusty TI-83 and did some calculations. I could head to the top of Independence Pass and do a quick run up to the top of Blarney Peak and still make it to work.

Blarney Peak This Morning

Blarney Peak This Morning

I was expecting to reap the corn harvest this morning, but instead I found it had snowed a good couple inches above Ten Grand last night.

May on Indy Pass

May on Indy Pass

There's Peace in The Valley-The Town if Independence

There’s Peace in The Valley-The Town if Independence

Expecting corn snow and getting Powder is one of the greatest gift Jah can give a man. It was cold and blowing hard when I arrived at the summit. One group started out ahead of me, but they detoured around Blarney to hit Blue Peak. So I had the mountain to myself as I’d imagined it.

The wind was blowing hard and the new snow was wind loaded in places and scrapped off in others. I tried to stick to the wind loaded bits. A hour and a thousand feet above the pass, I reached the summit.

The top of Blarney Peak, the top of the Divide, the Top of the Continent. Thank God for the Water(s).

WATER More Important than the GOLD

WATER More Important than the GOLD

The storm was closing in again, and I wasn’t looking to ski that run in bad light. So off I went heading into the Blarney Bowl. A short hour before I needed to hit the clock and start making some roll-ups.


Heuristic Trap God

It was some of the best snow I’ve ever skied on Indy Pass, light wind loaded snow, very little crust had formed. You can’t ask for snow like this at the end of May.

I let out a couple a Powder Hollers, couldn’t help it.

Fat GS turns=GOOD SHIT

                                                  Fat GS turns=GOOD SHIT

I wished I could of stayed and made another lap, but I had to get to work.

Forty Five minutes later I was on the clock and serving waiting on tables as the Breakfast crowd came in for the day. I didn’t mention my crack-of-dawn adventure to any of my co-workers. Things you do alone are hard to really talk about (but now I’m putting them online…I hate me). It’s all Blarney&Bullshit if no one was there to see it. I’m all for Blarney&Bullshit. My whole morning took place in the vast expanse of the Sawatch Range and the Fucked up corners of my head.

It was the best of mornings.
