About Us

These days adventures are becoming too planned, people count ounces in their backpacks, bring the #4 for that crux, stick to the trail, tell people where they’re going (thanks Aaron Ralston), carry GPS units, cell phones, toilet paper and a million other thing that turn what could have been an Adventure into an “outing.”

“ShouldaWornBoots” is a phrase commonly heard amongst those people who find themselves halfway up a mountain in the dark ankle deep in mud when they’d only left the house to go to the grocery store.

“ShouldaWornBoots” is about going places whenever the moon strikes you, and not worrying about preparations.

“ShouldaWornBoots” is a lifestyle choice. Being ill prepared isn’t an excuse, its a challenge.

Shoulda Worn Climbing Shoes

                                         Shoulda Worn Climbing Shoes

Thats from the day I went to Vedauwoo without climbing shoes and had to  follow 5.9 off width in tennis shoes with a skull splitting hangover.

It’s also from the day I fell in love with “The Voo.”


                                                               TRILL DAY

ShouldaWornBoots” is dedicated to the underbelly of the outdoor lifestyle.

We’re those low class kids crushing PBR’s in the parking lot.

We’re those guys rolling Top around the campfire.

We’re those people climbing mountain in flip flops with a half full Nalgene and a smile.

We’re that hitchhiker you pick up who doesn’t know where there going and wonders if you have any recommendations.

We’re those people who have been post-holing in the skin track who you find smoking weed out of a can of Lost Lake.

We’re the kids yelling “Yuh Bish” when the leader is run out on the third pitch.

If you’ve ever said “ShouldaWornBoots,” you are probably one of us.


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